Vegetables Carrots filtered by Disease Resistance: Bacterial Blight
A bundle of rainbow carrots grown from Johnny's carrot seeds.
Each year Johnny's evaluates numerous carrot varieties of differing maturities, types, colors, and flavors. The result is a selection that supplies mainstream and niche markets to support the needs of growers year-round. We offer open-pollinated as well as hybrid carrot varieties, in organic and conventional forms, as well as NOP-compliant pelleted seed to reduce labor-intensive thinning and seed waste. Our carrot color palette ranges from oranges, reds, and yellows to purples and whites; in shapes and sizes varying from 9–10"-long, tapered roots to small round, Parisian Market types.
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Reliable storage carrot; a great choice for fall or winter harvest.
Reliable storage carrot; a great choice for fall or winter harvest.
75 Days
Reliable storage carrot.
Reliable storage carrot.
75 Days
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