Vegetables Eggplant Italian Eggplants filtered by Growing Conditions: Hydroponic Performer
Three deep purple Italian eggplants.
Italian Eggplants
Many Italian eggplant cultivars are of the most widely-recognized type; oblong, bell-shaped, and dark purple to nearly black. Italian eggplants may also be round in shape, however, and variously colored and patterned, from light purple to white and striped. Johnny's selection of Italian eggplants includes certified-organic and conventional seed, hybrids, open-pollinated, and heirloom varieties.
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Vigorous Black Italian type with high yields for greenhouse cropping.
Vigorous Black Italian type with high yields for greenhouse cropping.
65 Days
High-yielding striped Italian type, strong plants for the greenhouse.
High-yielding striped Italian type, strong plants for the greenhouse.
65 Days
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