Vegetables Chicory Radicchio filtered by Additional Characteristics: Recommended Summer Planting for Fall Harvest
Person holding a red radicchio head.
A beautiful, gourmet salad vegetable of Italian origin, radicchio is appealingly bitter with a nut-like texture. Like a slow-growing lettuce, the heads form without being cut back or forced. We offer the best varieties of this highly prized type of chicory.
1 - 6 of 6
Uniform and slow-bolting radicchio.
Uniform and slow-bolting radicchio.
65 Days
Light green, Romaine-like heads.
Light green, Romaine-like heads.
68 Days
Early, pear-shaped heads.
Early, pear-shaped heads.
50 Days
Upright deep maroon radicchio, very attractive and impressively early.
Upright deep maroon radicchio, very attractive and impressively early.
66 Days
Upright deep maroon radicchio, very attractive and impressively early.
Upright deep maroon radicchio, very attractive and impressively early.
66 Days
Uniform and slow-bolting radicchio.
Uniform and slow-bolting radicchio.
65 Days
1 - 6 of 6