Flowers Wildflower Mixes
A jumble of colorful flowers grown from Johnny's wildflower seed mixes.
Wildflower Mixes
Superior quality wildflower seed mixes for a range of geographic regions and growing conditions, comprised of custom blends of annual and naturalizing perennial seeds. Smaller-seeded mixes are blended with inert material where noted, to promote even distribution when sowing.
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Provide bee forage all season long with this low-maintenance mix.
Provide bee forage all season long with this low-maintenance mix.
Attract butterflies and hummingbirds from spring through fall.
Attract butterflies and hummingbirds from spring through fall.
Attract a wide array of beneficial insects that prey upon pests.
Attract a wide array of beneficial insects that prey upon pests.
Brighten woodland edges and softly shaded areas with this colorful mix.
Brighten woodland edges and softly shaded areas with this colorful mix.
Carefree blend designed for optimum performance in Northern climates.
Carefree blend designed for optimum performance in Northern climates.
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