Vegetables Okra
Three okra pods laid out on a wooden cutting board: two green varieties and one red variety.
With the proper variety and culture, this Southern specialty can also be productive in cooler climates. Fried okra is a delicious Southern dish, and a mandatory ingredient in gumbo. The large ornamental flowers can be stuffed or used as garnish. Johnny's offers high-yielding, uniform okra hybrids as well as a selected strain of an organic, open-pollinated standard.
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Traditional OP, the standard variety in the South.
Traditional OP, the standard variety in the South.
60 Days
Red, high-yielding, and uniform.
Red, high-yielding, and uniform.
51 Days
Early and high-yielding with very uniform, dark green pods.
Early and high-yielding with very uniform, dark green pods.
50 Days
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