Burdock - Key Growing Information

This box of bundled burdock roots will keep in storage for several months.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Arctium lappa
CULTURE: Direct seed. Burdock requires a deep, 1-2', well-drained soil to produce quality roots. Sow anytime in spring, about 2" apart, 3/4" deep, in rows 24" apart. Thin to 2-3" apart.
HARVEST: Fall through early spring. A raised bed with removable sides enables harvesting from the side, which results in fewer broken roots.
STORAGE: Optimum storage at 32°F (0°C) and 95% relative humidity. Unwashed roots will be slower to wilt at market.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1 oz./230', 4 1/2 oz./1,000', 6 lb./acre at 7 seeds/ft. in rows 2' apart.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/LB.: Avg. 35,100.
PACKET: 100 seeds, sows 14'.